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Council of the AMCESFI

  • Carlos Cuerpo CaballeroAbre en nueva ventana (Minister of Economy, Trade and Enterprise) – Chair
  •  (Governor, Banco de España) – Vice-chair
  • Rodrigo Buenaventura CaninoAbre en nueva ventana (Chairman, CNMV) – Member
  • Margarita Delgado TejeroAbre en nueva ventana (Deputy Governor, Banco de España) – Member
  • Montserrat Martínez PareraAbre en nueva ventana (Vice-chair, CNMV) – Member
  • Israel Arroyo MartínezAbre en nueva ventana (Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise) – Member
  • José Antonio Fernández de Pinto (Director General of Insurance and Pension Funds, Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise) – Member
  • Paula Conthe CalvoAbre en nueva ventana (Secretary General of the Treasury and International Financing, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise) – Secretary

Financial Stability Technical Committee of the AMCESFI




Useful legal links

Royal Decree 102/2019 Abre en nueva ventana

of 1 March 2019 creating the Spanish macroprudential authority (AMCESFI), establishing its legal regime and implementing certain aspects relating to macroprudential tools

Real Decreto-ley 22/2018 Abre en nueva ventana

de 14 de diciembre, por el que se establecen herramientas macroprudenciales.

Useful institutional links